Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Change your life, change your story

We create our life. It may be difficult to believe but it's true. T.Harv Eker teaches a simple cycle to help explain. Our thoughts, lead to our feelings. Our feelings lead to our actions, and our actions lead to our results. The hard part is controlling the thousands of thoughts that cross our mind in a day. When you want to accomplish anything all it takes is small steps, that same approach works for our thoughts.

We are always going to feel emotions, we're human it's in our nature. We are going to get mad, sad, happy, overjoyed, disappointed, etc. You have to realize which emotions are worth holding on to, and which you should let go asap. Anger for example is a pretty common emotion, but it can also be the hardest to let go. The reason I chose anger for this example is that it's also the most dangerous emotion to hold on to.

"If it's good, hold on; if not, let it go."

If your brain is full of negatives thoughts, feelings and experiences, how do you think that will affect your life? Every time you make a decision or have a thought, or experience how likely is it to be negative? Now flip it around, if you are letting go of the anger, the hurt, the sadness, and replacing it with good memories, positive thoughts, passion, love, I guarantee your results and experience can only be positive.

Your life story is written, directed and starring YOU. That means all the important decisions, actions and results all depend on you and how your mind works. At any point you can change your story simply by changing your mind. It can be that simple, but not easy. It takes time and work to change a lifetime of negative conditioning. Throughout a day you can encounter 45 to 1 negative messages to positive in an average day. No wonder so many people are walking around like their life sucks and is going no where. They allowed their negative conditioning to write their story. The worst part is that when the universe provides you the opportunities to change that story, you are too caught up in your negative world to even notice even the biggest opportunities.

So open your mind, and your eyes. Become aware of your thoughts. You are not a lost cause if you can only think negative. It takes work, and you need to believe in yourself, even in the bleakest of circumstances. It's when you can stay positive even in the most stressful of situations, that it gets easier. Life has a way of throwing those tests at us, but the more we get through, the more we learn. Then even the most difficult situations are no longer feared. Simply deal with life as it unfolds. Enjoy the ride.

Coach Bobby

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Are you a good Receiver?

Depending on your frame of mind that question can have many of meanings.. The meaning that I want to discuss is our ability to receive gifts, compliments, etc.

We live in a world of duality, there's black and white, up and down, left and right, and give..... can you guess what it is? R E C E I V E. When you are a poor receiver you miss out on so many opportunities that are right in front of you, but you are too shy, scared or maybe just feel unworthy. How many times has someone paid you a compliment and instead of receiving the compliment and saying "thank you" we immediately repay the compliment with a "you too". Have a nice day, you too.... doesn't feel very good for anyone pretty meaningless actually..

Next time try just saying thank you, and then really pay attention to how you feel, and more than likely the smile you left on the other person because you actually let them give you the compliment.

The other important element of receiving is your level of expectancy and where it's at..

I was recently taught this little exercise and opened my eyes a lot:

Would you agree that if you grew up in the ghetto of New York city, that you would receive a lot less then some one who lives in Grenich, Connecticut(One of the wealthiest ares in the USA)?
Now would you also agree that if you lived in Grenich, Con you would receive more than if you lived in the Ghetto of NY?
Fairly simple thought right, of course.
Here in lies the situation... A young male in Grenich, Con EXPECTS to be a millionaire, and a young male in the ghetto of NY EXPECTS to be poor... So if you would "Like to receive", you will still receive some, but no where close to where you would have if you "Expect to receive".

Let's say you have invented something, put your heart and soul in, you have the patent and are ready to sell it for profit. If you would "like" to sell, you might sell 50. Remember the blood, sweat, and tears. All your efforts, and when you "EXPECT" to sell, you will sell 5000.  The numbers are really meaningless, they are just to give you a picture of how something as simple as one word in your thinking can make a big difference in the way life unfolds.

So would you like  to have the life of your dreams? Or Do you expect to live the life of your dreams?
The choice is yours.....

Cheers to your dreams!
Coach Bobby

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A piece of mind.....

Throughout my journey in life, I have met many interesting people, all with often quite inspiring stories. I won't lie, some I personally find inspiring because my life cannot even compare to things that these people have survived. Sometimes it even makes me sick to my stomach that I even pitied myself and thought that my life was tough...

I know that it wasn't easy, but man I had it pretty good. I had an education from the age 5, a warm bed to sleep in, and always knew that my next meal would always be there. Now to most people those are basic needs, however, I have met thousands, of kids, who live without at least one if not all, of three basic necessities. You can always make a difference, even if you start with one!

I urge you to go out into your community and educate yourself! As time is one of the most valuable assets we have, donate some of your time to making a difference locally!!! I can guarantee that it would be appreciated.

If you are interested, there are many areas that you can explore, such as youth care work, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, even volunteering at a place of your choosing. They all are eye opening experiences that if you ever have the courage to try, would give you a whole new appreciation for your life.

Life's tough, that famous cliche is often an accurate assessment. We will always be faced with challenging situations and those situations ask you "Are you gonna rise above, or throw in the towel?" The choice is yours, and guess what, so are the repercussions of our decisions. When look back at your life when your 80 what kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? When your ready write it down and keep it in a place where you can look at it whenever you want. After a long hard day, if you pull that paper out and read your legacy, I guarantee it will help you realize the big picture, and that it's never as bad as it seems. It could always be worse, and chances are someone in the world is experiencing it.

You only get one life, and I choose to make a difference with mine. I want to be the difference maker in personal and financial development!  We forget that as children we always dreamed big like nothing could stop us. Being an astronaut, or scientist, the sky was the limit. Then as you get older, things seem to get in the way. Mortgages, maybe kids, whatever it may be.... They are just challenges that can't stop, unless you let them.

The hard part is knowing what you want... when you know that, all you have to do is work towards it. Simple right? Well what are you waiting for you just made a breakthrough! You can't get what you want from just sitting there... so what's stopping you?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Where is your vehicle taking you?

When I think of a vehicle I associate it with a job, or money making endeavor. Normally when you think about a vehicle you think about a car, transportation. Well that's exactly why the two go hand in hand. Your current vehicle will take you to your next, which will take you to the next, and so on. It will last as long as it needs to, and in order to get you to that next point in your life.

If we are not focused on the purpose of the vehicle we can lose focus and get caught up in all the workplace issues, like complaining to just complain about your wages, or work being to difficult . But if we realize that it provides a need, and when we give real effort, it's only a matter of time before the next opportunity, or vehicle. Jobs are meant to provide an income in order to survive, quite often that's exactly what they do provide barely enough to survive.

If you are working in a field that has nothing to do with something your passionate about then you are wasting your time. Time is our most valuable possession so I encourage you to make the most of yours. Pursue your interests, quite often opportunities arise just from the pursuit.  More importantly it's so much easier to be happy when you wake up if you know that you get to do what you love all day long.

So where's your vehicle taking you? Are you headed down the dead-end road or even worse are you going up a one-way street? I would like to believe that most people are at least somewhat interested in what they do for a living, but when they realize they don't love it, they trap themselves by thinking it would be too difficult to change.

Change is as hard as you make it. It can be difficult or it can be easy. It will always be somewhat intimidating to take on a challenge, but only before you begin. How many times in your life were you petrified of something, but once you start, you quickly realize that it was no where close to your initial fear.  No monsters popped out of the closet, that flu wasn't fatal, and 90% percent of the time our worries never happen.

Mark Twain was famous for saying "I've had thousands of problems in my life, 90% of them never happened."

So look at your vehicle, does it cause you to be angry or frustrated even stressed out or is it as though u are living a dream, your purpose for being on this planet.  I can speak from experience that waking up to a dream everyday is the way everyone should live, and it's as simple as making the right choice. Taking a chance on yourself, and learning what makes you tick.

When you know your values in life, it helps you realize your purpose or vision. They are directly related. Your vision will be supported by those values. So what are your three biggest values? To give you an idea mine are 1. Passion - when you are passionate about what you do it no longer becomes work, life is about having fun!
2. Courage - willing to step outside the box, facing fear head-on and acting in spite of fear.
3. Freedom - I like to do things my way, and having the freedom of working for myself.
This list goes on but those are the top three that play a direct factor in my life's work. I love to help people and those values help me keep focused when those tough situations arise where people don't want help. They also help me stay focused and provide the help to those that not only need it but really want it.

I didn't just wake up one day and everything was clear, it took some time and effort to truly realize the impact of my thoughts on my actions and my results. When you have the power to control all of them, life becomes a lot easier to manage. Remember, the more you manage what you got, the more likely you are to receive more. The universe is very giving but if you don't appreciate what you have, it will not give you more.

So smile because today is the first day of the rest of your life. you are in control, and your power of positive thinking will transform your life into exactly what you want and deserve it to be.

Here's to your success!
Coach Bobby

Sunday, January 10, 2010

How to.... "Live in the moment."

Have you ever let a moment pass by, and not appreciate the true beauty of that moment?  Every single day, and every single second there are moments. These moments are at our disposal. You can neglect or appreciate each one as they come.

Everyday there are miracles that happen before our eyes, and because they always happen we tend to take them lightly.  The two best examples are the sunrise and the sunset. No one can argue that when these moments are taking place that if you look at the right time, you can witness nature's most beautiful array of colors in a sky that was blue, only moments ago.

Opportunities are at our fingertips everyday to take small steps towards our vision in life. Those moments often go unappreciated. But when you realize that each of those small steps takes you EXACTLY where you need to go, you begin to enjoy every moment as they come.

It could be going to that job that although isn't the most desirable, at this current time it provides for you.  If you don't like your job that is a situation that you have the power to change.  So even a dead-end job can provide moments where you can even appreciate.

So how does one truly live in the moment?  It's easier said than done, but you live in the moment by making the most out of everyday, even on your worst, I bet you could still find some small successes if you really looked hard enough.  That's how you live in the moments that you are giving. YOU JUST LIVE! So I ask "What's stopping you?"

The first time I heard this poem it was on a car commercial, but it summed up Moments, in a way I could truly appreciated. I finally found out the author, so I leave you with this amazing poem by Glen Hunt.

Moments Can Delight You
[a poem by Glen Hunt]

A Moment If You Please
Moments Can Be Short
Moments Can Be Long

There Are Moments Of Joy
Moments Of Sorrow
Moments Of Passion

Moments You'll Never Forget
Moments You've Already Forgotten
Moments You Didn't Get

There Are Awkward Moments
Senior Moments
Moments Of Truth
And Momentary Lapses In Judgment

People Who Ask For A Moment
Share A Moment
I Need A Moment
You Got A Moment?
Hey, Wait A Moment

You Can Take A Moment
Make A Moment
Spoil A Moment
And If All The Stars Line In Just The Right Moment,
That Moment Can Be Perfect

Moments Can Define You
Moments Can Delight You
And Moments Can Change Your Life

Here's To The Moment And
Squeezing All You Can Out Of Every Last Single One Of Them

Pursue The Moment!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Are you action planning your year to succeed?

Tut's "Note from the Universe"
I want you to know, that I've ordered up another year for you.

Think I'll call it 2010.
I'm going to put most of the same people of 2009 in it, since you all think so much alike. But there'll also be a few new, very cool cats coming to play - give them some time to grow up though.
And I'm going to have things start off pretty much exactly where they left off in 2009, for continuity's sake. Flips folks out too much when I don't.
All in all, 365 more days in paradise... and only one request of you:
Let's do this,
    The Universe

The year number will always change. Our habits and performance tend to stay the same unless we fully commit to making that change.  I love listening to people's New Year's Resolutions. They make me laugh. Because although the intention is there, it's really just a reason to give up around the half way mark, and say we'll there's always next year. Resolutions tend to be weak in the fact, that you are never really committed to seeing it through.

So this year do something different. Whatever resolution you want, make it a commitment. Then action plan it for the year.  What do you want to accomplish in a week, a month, two months, etc. all the way to the end of the year. Here's where most people fail even before they begin. They make to big of a commitment or commit to something they KNOW they won't see through.

So make your first commitment to take small steps, but lots of them and in fact, do it everyday! This is your life we are taking about, so I consider this a matter of life and death financially. What do you choose? Life or Death? Do you want to be one of the billions of people who don't educate themselves in the areas to which they have no knowledge. Or are you a difference maker? Willing to learn what you don't know, and being able to admit that you do not know.

Those two skills will get you anywhere you need to go, and are the perfect attitude towards committing to making a change.

In closing I leave you with my declaration for the new year (yes, declaration, not a flimsy resolution). 
"This is my year, all of the past years have brought me to now. I have learned, experienced, but most important I valued each moment as they come. The new year brings new challenges, triumphs and failures. Through it all I will be there living my life at a level 10!"

Have a safe and happy holiday
Coach Bobby

My Book "The Power of Being Positve" is now available

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