We create our life. It may be difficult to believe but it's true. T.Harv Eker teaches a simple cycle to help explain. Our thoughts, lead to our feelings. Our feelings lead to our actions, and our actions lead to our results. The hard part is controlling the thousands of thoughts that cross our mind in a day. When you want to accomplish anything all it takes is small steps, that same approach works for our thoughts.
We are always going to feel emotions, we're human it's in our nature. We are going to get mad, sad, happy, overjoyed, disappointed, etc. You have to realize which emotions are worth holding on to, and which you should let go asap. Anger for example is a pretty common emotion, but it can also be the hardest to let go. The reason I chose anger for this example is that it's also the most dangerous emotion to hold on to.
"If it's good, hold on; if not, let it go."
If your brain is full of negatives thoughts, feelings and experiences, how do you think that will affect your life? Every time you make a decision or have a thought, or experience how likely is it to be negative? Now flip it around, if you are letting go of the anger, the hurt, the sadness, and replacing it with good memories, positive thoughts, passion, love, I guarantee your results and experience can only be positive.
Your life story is written, directed and starring YOU. That means all the important decisions, actions and results all depend on you and how your mind works. At any point you can change your story simply by changing your mind. It can be that simple, but not easy. It takes time and work to change a lifetime of negative conditioning. Throughout a day you can encounter 45 to 1 negative messages to positive in an average day. No wonder so many people are walking around like their life sucks and is going no where. They allowed their negative conditioning to write their story. The worst part is that when the universe provides you the opportunities to change that story, you are too caught up in your negative world to even notice even the biggest opportunities.
So open your mind, and your eyes. Become aware of your thoughts. You are not a lost cause if you can only think negative. It takes work, and you need to believe in yourself, even in the bleakest of circumstances. It's when you can stay positive even in the most stressful of situations, that it gets easier. Life has a way of throwing those tests at us, but the more we get through, the more we learn. Then even the most difficult situations are no longer feared. Simply deal with life as it unfolds. Enjoy the ride.
Coach Bobby
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