Depending on your frame of mind that question can have many of meanings.. The meaning that I want to discuss is our ability to receive gifts, compliments, etc.
We live in a world of duality, there's black and white, up and down, left and right, and give..... can you guess what it is? R E C E I V E. When you are a poor receiver you miss out on so many opportunities that are right in front of you, but you are too shy, scared or maybe just feel unworthy. How many times has someone paid you a compliment and instead of receiving the compliment and saying "thank you" we immediately repay the compliment with a "you too". Have a nice day, you too.... doesn't feel very good for anyone pretty meaningless actually..
Next time try just saying thank you, and then really pay attention to how you feel, and more than likely the smile you left on the other person because you actually let them give you the compliment.
The other important element of receiving is your level of expectancy and where it's at..
I was recently taught this little exercise and opened my eyes a lot:
Would you agree that if you grew up in the ghetto of New York city, that you would receive a lot less then some one who lives in Grenich, Connecticut(One of the wealthiest ares in the USA)?
Now would you also agree that if you lived in Grenich, Con you would receive more than if you lived in the Ghetto of NY?
Fairly simple thought right, of course.
Here in lies the situation... A young male in Grenich, Con EXPECTS to be a millionaire, and a young male in the ghetto of NY EXPECTS to be poor... So if you would "Like to receive", you will still receive some, but no where close to where you would have if you "Expect to receive".
Let's say you have invented something, put your heart and soul in, you have the patent and are ready to sell it for profit. If you would "like" to sell, you might sell 50. Remember the blood, sweat, and tears. All your efforts, and when you "EXPECT" to sell, you will sell 5000. The numbers are really meaningless, they are just to give you a picture of how something as simple as one word in your thinking can make a big difference in the way life unfolds.
So would you like to have the life of your dreams? Or Do you expect to live the life of your dreams?
The choice is yours.....
Cheers to your dreams!
Coach Bobby
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