Thursday, October 29, 2009

What's your vision?

There was a time in my life when I really struggled to find the motivation to care. I mean about anything, I would either be feeling pissed off or feeling sorry for myself or my situation and instead of do something to change it I would complain about.

Complaining comes natural to us. You can find something wrong with anything if you look hard enough. But all we accomplish by that is overlooking the gift that is right in front of us.

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift that's why it's called the present."

Everyday that you are breathing it's for a reason. Sometimes that reason is hard to find, or we are searching in the wrong places. Worst of all we try to do it on are own, when there are people who live to help others.

Those people are life coaches.  What does a life coach do? They tell you what to do and you do it?

A good coach knows the right questions to ask. And a great coach knows how to push you a little farther than you would push yourself. So do you need a push? Need someone to help you stay accountable. Support your vision and hold you accountable to your commitments?

If you do you can contact me by email @

I am looking to expand my business and for a limited time I am offering 3 months of coaching absolutely free. All you have to do is join From thoughts to Actions  as a member and by joining as member you will be joining my mailing list. I NEVER SPAM! If you email me I will personally return the email.

Look forward to hearing your vision!
To your greater success
Coach Bob 

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