Sunday, January 10, 2010

How to.... "Live in the moment."

Have you ever let a moment pass by, and not appreciate the true beauty of that moment?  Every single day, and every single second there are moments. These moments are at our disposal. You can neglect or appreciate each one as they come.

Everyday there are miracles that happen before our eyes, and because they always happen we tend to take them lightly.  The two best examples are the sunrise and the sunset. No one can argue that when these moments are taking place that if you look at the right time, you can witness nature's most beautiful array of colors in a sky that was blue, only moments ago.

Opportunities are at our fingertips everyday to take small steps towards our vision in life. Those moments often go unappreciated. But when you realize that each of those small steps takes you EXACTLY where you need to go, you begin to enjoy every moment as they come.

It could be going to that job that although isn't the most desirable, at this current time it provides for you.  If you don't like your job that is a situation that you have the power to change.  So even a dead-end job can provide moments where you can even appreciate.

So how does one truly live in the moment?  It's easier said than done, but you live in the moment by making the most out of everyday, even on your worst, I bet you could still find some small successes if you really looked hard enough.  That's how you live in the moments that you are giving. YOU JUST LIVE! So I ask "What's stopping you?"

The first time I heard this poem it was on a car commercial, but it summed up Moments, in a way I could truly appreciated. I finally found out the author, so I leave you with this amazing poem by Glen Hunt.

Moments Can Delight You
[a poem by Glen Hunt]

A Moment If You Please
Moments Can Be Short
Moments Can Be Long

There Are Moments Of Joy
Moments Of Sorrow
Moments Of Passion

Moments You'll Never Forget
Moments You've Already Forgotten
Moments You Didn't Get

There Are Awkward Moments
Senior Moments
Moments Of Truth
And Momentary Lapses In Judgment

People Who Ask For A Moment
Share A Moment
I Need A Moment
You Got A Moment?
Hey, Wait A Moment

You Can Take A Moment
Make A Moment
Spoil A Moment
And If All The Stars Line In Just The Right Moment,
That Moment Can Be Perfect

Moments Can Define You
Moments Can Delight You
And Moments Can Change Your Life

Here's To The Moment And
Squeezing All You Can Out Of Every Last Single One Of Them

Pursue The Moment!

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