Well it's good to be back, in blog form that it. Due to one of the busiest summers of my life, I could only dream about blogging. I am a firm believer in that if you have nothing new to write, you shouldn't bother. But as life catches up to you, in sometimes turns into procrastination, add a busy schedule to that and you have months of no productivity. The good news is.. it's never to late to start. Or pick up right where you left off. It's even easier to forget about how much time and energy you put into something you love but didn't quite make it so you gave up.
I'm here to prove that as long as you keep taking those small steps everyday you will reach your goals. No matter how big they are. This summer was an eye opening experience, a revitalizing vacation, and generous income. While I sat in a canoe, fishing, wading through ankle deep water, swimming, more fishing. Not to mention the numerous other sites that I can scratch off my bucket list... I got to thinking, I had my thoughts to thank for every single experience. I created it. I was responsible. Just like the years before of struggling and fighting against the universe, except now the force is strong. Master Yoda would be proud, because with each captivating, mind-blowing view... I would get just a moment of absolute peace. My mind would embrace that very moment to it's very core. Forever etched in my memories. To top them all off, I proposed to the love of my life, and she said yes!
So you can see that all this life experience can only bring me to share my new found knowledge with someone. The hard part is that most people don't want help. In fact, they laugh when think that someone else can help them. In reality though, some one else will have a different perspective and chances are with out emotion involved can show you a side that you cannot see because of your emotions that are involved.
I was fortunate enough to have my mother growing up, who taught me that it was important to express my emotions. If you bottle them up, and have a temper.. explosions will occur. They can be cleaned up but are much better to avoid. That's the key.. you need to find someone, anyone who will listen to your feelings. Validation makes you feel human. Someone else in the world has most likely experienced what you have, and made it through. Chances are there is someone in the world who is worse off than you, so automatically you have something to be thankful for.
Ding!Ding! Another BIG key.. Being thankful. No matter what your circumstance, or situation the universe will never give you more than you can handle. For that you need to be thankful in all respects of life. Life creates character out of situations and scenarios. We are built to adapt, and overcome. Failing is only the beginning, not the end.
Life will test your resolve in all areas, especially in the areas you are most passionate. It will test how ready you are, if your not the right person it won't matter if it's the right place and right time. Being the right person means knowing yourself. If you don't know what missing from your life, spend some time thinking about it.. Dedicate 10 minutes from your day to think about what you want in your life. Find something to be passionate about. Life is short, you need to spend it doing things you love. If you don't have anything that you are passionate, that just means you need to start trying new things, and get out of your bubble.
Life outside the bubble is where you want to be. It's ok to live in a bubble, it's safe, you won't get hurt. But you will miss out on life.. It will pass by, and you will be left with regrets. So instead of being almost, or not quite, or not even close to being ready to change your life, ask yourself this: If you dwell on all that's wrong with the world, your life, or everything what will the universe give you? If you focus on all the positive things in your life, be thankful for blessings, and dare to dream big... what do you think the universe will provide?
The answer should be obvious, but in case it's not, the universe will provide you with whatever you focus on, so you can live in a nightmare, or live your dream, it all starts with your thoughts.